Friday, December 21, 2018

2018 Norwalk City Transit TAP Card

A friend lives in Norwalk and as a Christmas gift to me, he gave me the 2018 City of Norwalk, Norwalk Transit TAP Card!!  He knew I collected TAP cards and gave me one.

These TAP cards came out in June of 2018, when Norwalk Transit went to paperless fare.

This is really nice design. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

2018 Holiday TAP Card

On November 30, 2018, Metro's Propaganda machine- The Source, wrote about the newest TAP Card- The Holiday TAP Card!  They TAP cards were suppose to be released on Monday, December 3rd.  But, I had a feeling they wouldn't be released, because the day before, Dec. 2nd., there was CicLAvia- which Metro helps runs.  So, with Metro's workforce working on Sunday,  I didn't think they would get the TAP cards in the machines.

On Monday, Dec. 3rd. I went to the Monrovia station along the Gold Line at about 11am.  None of the machines had the sticker for the Holiday TAP Card.  I called Metro to complain, and was transfered to TAP.  The operator at TAP was very nice and helpful.  He went to The Source, and found that sometime between 8am and 11am, they had released an update- that there was a delay in delivery of the  Holiday TAP Cards.

So, Tuesday, Dec. 4th, I went to the Monrovia Station and there was the sticker for the Holiday TAP Card.  I bought one, and to my shock, it came without any scratches!!  Since Metro switched to the new TAP Cards, made with a different material, there have been scratches on the TAP Cards bought at the machines.  But, I was really surprised to see this Holiday TAP Card without any scratches!  I got the 2018 Veterans Day TAP Card and 2018 LAFC TAP Card- which is the first time I noticed scratches from TAP Cards bought at the machines!

At first, I wasn't a big fan of the design.  But, after getting the TAP Card, I do like it!!

While I wasn't happy that Metro screwed up on the delivery, and could have issued a release earlier, overall I'm happy with the way Metro got almost every TAP card released in 2018, released on time!  Now, if they have solved the scratches on the TAP card, that would be great too!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

2018 Veterans Day Tap Card

In 2016 Metro issued a Veterans Day TAP card.  I'm still looking for this TAP card.  If you have one, email me.

On October 26, 2018 I was at Union Station going to the Red Line when I noticed the sticker on the TAP machine for the 2018 Veterans Day TAP Card.  I put my money in, and out came the Veterans Day TAP card with a scratch!!  The new TAP card stock being used by Metro, is subjected to scratches, especially ones bought at the TAP machines.  I got a couple LAFC TAP cards with a huge scratch, made more noticeable by the black background of the card.

There was nothing on The Source- Metro's propaganda machine about the 2018 Veterans Day TAP card!! 

The design of the 2018 Veterans Day TAP card was exactly the same as the 2016 Veterans Day TAP card.  Of course, with the different year.  I wish Metro changed the design of the Veterans Day TAP card for 2018.  Anyways a nice addition to my TAP card collection.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

2018 Metro Manners TAP Cards

On September 19, 2018 Metro announced on social media four new TAP cards- Metro Manners or Super Kind.  But, these TAP cards who only given to 100 people on social media.

Then on October 16, 2018 Metro announced they were having an in store give away of the Metro Manners TAP cards.  The first 100 people got a TAP card.

So, I went to the store and waited.  The Metro reps were suppose to get there at noon.  They, like many Metro trains were late, about 15-20 minutes.  They handed out the TAP cards one per person.  I was able to get the second one, by buying it off of somebody who just happened to be at the store.

I got the white- Don't Play Loud Music TAP card and the Orange TAP card-I think it's just Don't Be a Rude Dude reminder.  The other two TAP cards from this collection are the Super Kind Girl and the Don't Eat on Trains, both are white TAP cards.  

What I didn't like was that there was a Metro employee, I guess he works at the Metro tower at Union Station and he was able to get FOUR TAP cards.  How was this allowed to happen?

The three Metro reps who worked this promotion, two of them were ok. But, Anna Chen, who also writes for Metro Propaganda machine- The Source, was rude, not very friendly, and like a person behind me in line said- she looks mad.  The irony that they were handing out Metro Manners TAP cards and a Metro rep is rude and not friendly at all.

It's great that Metro is encouraging riders to have manners, but this is a stupid way.  Why not sell these TAP cards at all stations?  Or have Metro reps give out these TAP cards to people who practice good manners on trains?  They also missed giving up your seat to seniors and the disabled.

These are pretty nice designed TAP cards.  Hopefully, I will be able to get the other two.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

2018 Clean Air Day TAP Card

On September 26, 2018 Metro's propaganda machine-The Source, had a story about California Clean Air Day and the TAP Card that were being sold.  I went to Metro's customer service center at Union Station, and I was able to buy this TAP card with no problems!  I was also able to just put $1.75 fare onto the TAP card, unlike the Central Ave. Jazz Festival TAP Card, where I had to put $5 of stored value on the card.  In addition, I had a very nice customer service rep when I bought the Clean Air Day TAP card, not the rude female customer service rep when I bought the Jazz Festival card!  These TAP Cards are only being sold at Metro customer service centers.  At Union Station, there is a limit of one per person!!

The Clean Air Day TAP card is a nice design. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

2018 LAFC TAP Card

On September 12, 2018 Metro's propaganda machine, The Source, announced that the first TAP Cards with a local sports team, would be sold at stations starting on September 18, 2018.  But, they would first be given out to fans going to the LAFC game on Saturday September 15, 2018.  I believe this information was given out on social media, since that linked story makes no mention of the TAP cards being given out at the game.

So, I bought tickets for the LAFC game and got this great TAP Card.  I hate soccer, but the atmosphere for a LAFC game is just awesome!  There is an entire section of die hard fans who stand throughout the entire game.  There are drums beating, and people chanting.  It's a great experience, even if you hate soccer.

The TAP cards given out at the game were suppose to have a one day fare loaded on the card.  I took the Metro back home, and I checked the balance of the TAP Card.  It showed both a one day pass and a one way pass, was loaded on the TAP Card.  Now, here is where it gets interesting.  I got to wondering, how will the fares be deducted?  When I went to the LA Rams game the next day, I asked the people at the tent, and they told me the TAP machine will know fare to take out.  Then a couple days later, I called Metro customer service, about something else, and then mentioned the same question.  They customer service reps told me when multiple passes are loaded, they will always take out the highest value fare.  Which, if true is a complete rip off!  If you take a one way fare, that would be $1.75.  But, going by what Metro's customer service told me, they would take out the day pass which cost $7!!!  If this is true somebody should file a class action lawsuit again Metro!  What a rip off!!

Anyways, back to this awesome LAFC TAP card. On Tuesday September 18th, I went to the Orange Line station, and I was able to get this LAFC TAP Card with no problem!!  This year Metro has been very good about the TAP cards being at the stations on the day stated in any write up!!  Looks like even Metro has learned it's lesson from the disaster of the 2017 Ride with Pride TAP cards!!

This TAP card is just awesome!  I love the LAFC logo! 

Update September 26, 2018: I bought a couple other LAFC TAP Cards and I've notice a few things.  The TAP cards are on a different stock than the TAP cards of the past.   On the back, there isn't that black line.  The LAFC TAP cards have some scratches on them!!  Terrible quality control on these TAP cards.  

Sunday, September 9, 2018

2018 Palms Neighborhood Council TAP Card

Been looking forward to getting this Palms Neighborhood Council TAP Card, since I first found out about it.  Palms is a neighborhood along with Expo Line with it's own station-Palms Station.  Within walking distance of the station is a great pizza place, called The Coop.  Bring cash as they do not accept credit cards.

Anyways, this is the first TAP card issued to a neighborhood!!  Palms is part of the city of Los Angeles, it is not it's own city!

I really like this TAP Card!!

Still looking for the 2016 Expo to Santa Monica TAP Card.  If you have an extra one, let's work out a trade!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

2017 I Love Latino LA TAP Card

I bought the 2014, 2015, and 2016 I Love Latino LA TAP cards last year for $20 for all three.  They had the 2017 I Love Latino LA TAP card, but they were charging $20 for just that one card.  So, I declined.  Fast forward about a year.  I decided to see if I Love Latino LA were going to produce a 2018 TAP card.  I called their office and asked if they still had the 2017 TAP card.  They said yes, and it was now $10!!  So, I went over and bought the TAP card.

It's an interesting design.  I'm not a big fan of the design, but I'm always glad to add another TAP card to my collection!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

2018 Central Avenue Jazz Festival TAP Card

So, yesterday July 23, 2018 I'm on the Red Line going to Hollywood and Highland.  A person comes onto the train at Pershing Square.  He is in the process of putting away a TAP Card I haven't seen before.  The Central Avenue Jazz Festival TAP Card pictured above.  So, I asked him where did he get the TAP Card.  He said at the customer service  at Union Station.  He got it earlier that morning.  By the time I got back to Union Staton, the customer service counter was closed, they close at 6:30pm Monday -Friday.

So, today I went to Union Station and got this TAP Card.  Now some issues.  The lady helping me was very rude and short.  Metro needs to train it's customer service rep better.  TAP Cards now cost $2, whether you buy them at the machines or the customer service centers.  Before at the machines they were $1.  Not a big deal.  But, what is a big deal is that you need to add a minimum of $5 stored value when buying a TAP Card at any customer service center.  STUPID!  LADOT allows you to just buy the TAP Card for $2!  Why is Metro so stupid?

Anyways, I found out that these TAP Cards will also be for sale at the  Central Avenue Jazz Festival this weekend!!

Anyways, this is a great TAP Card, very colorful and one of my favorites of the ones released in 2018!!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

2013 CicLAvia TAP Card

CicLAvia is a great event!  It's a car-free street event that encourages people to use other forms of transportation-bike, walk, etc, all over the Los Angeles area.

In 2013, if you did the CicLAvia on Iconic Wilshire Blvd., and you donated $20 to CivLAvia, you got the TAP card pictured above!

I never went to a CicLAvia until I saw that Go Human was going to be at the Pomona Valley CicLAvia.  I got my Go Human TAP Card!!

I saw the CicLAvia TAP card and it's been on my list of TAP Cards that I want to add to my collection.  Luckily, a very nice person on Instagram was willing to give me this TAP card.  I offered her to trade for any TAP card, but she wasn't into collecting them!  So, she just gave it to me!!

Here is my list of TAP cards I want to add to my collection!!  The Expo Line to Santa Monica and three of the LADOT TAP Cards are the TAP cards I want the most!!

The design is kinda of boring, but I finally got this TAP Card!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

2018 LADOT Tap Cards-Orange LA & Blue Palm Tree

On July 9, 2018 LADOT showed their two newest TAP Cards on their Instagram page.  The TAP Card at the top, I'll call the Orange LA and the bottom TAP Card, I'll call it the Blue LA Palm Tree.  I love the orange LA but the Blue LA Palm Tree is boring.  

I waited until Tuesday July 10th to pick up these two TAP cards.  I went to the Highland Park Farmer's Market and they had a table there.  I was able to buy both TAP Cards without any issues!!  Very nice to see, because with their Griffith Park TAP card I wasted a trip to one of their mobile sites.

These two TAP cards are the 9th and 10th TAP Cards issued by LADOT.  I have 7 of the 10!  The other TAP Cards released by LADOT are the already mentioned Griffith Park TAP Card.  I got these three LADOT TAP Cards, Gray LA, Blue Downtown LA, and Green Swirl.  The Let's Fig it Out TAP Card that was released earlier in 2018.

I am missing these three TAP Cards!  I would like to add them to my collection.  If you have these three LADOT TAP Cards, contact me and let's work out a trade!

Monday, June 25, 2018

Gardena Transit TAP Card

While looking on social media, I saw this RideGTrans TAP card, produced by Gardena Transit.  I was able to track down these TAP cards!  I like the design!!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

2018 Culver City Bus 90th Anniversary

While buying the Culver City 100 TAP card, I found out in March of 2018, they were selling the 90 years of the Culver City Bus.  So, I pick this up too.

The design is ok, nothing great.  But, again I got to add to my TAP card collection!

2017 Culver City 100

The 2017 Culver City 100 TAP card was issued by the city of Culver City to celebrate it's centennial!  They actually came out in December of 2016.  I found out about this tap card while looking at social media.  I was worried that these cards were sold out.  But, luckily, I was able to buy this tap card!

The design is kind of boring.  But, I added another tap card to my collection.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

2018 Ride With Pride TAP Card

Metro's Propaganda machine, The Source, said that the 2018 Ride With Pride TAP Cards would be released on May 16, 2018.  I take everything by Metro with a grain of salt.  Yes, in 2018 the release of the TAP Cards are much better than the disaster that happen for the release of 2017 Ride With Pride TAP Cards.  But, yet again, Metro has learned from it's past mistakes and the 2018 Ride With Pride TAP Cards were available by the date listed in The Source!

I went to Willow Station, saw the sticker for this TAP Card, and bought the TAP Cards without any problems.  Well, except for all the panhandlers who kept asking for money, despite the fact that there were tons of Metro police at the station!

Anyways, this year's version of the Ride With Pride TAP Cards are boring.  Yet, another TAP Card with black, making three out of four TAP Cards released in 2018 that has black as a main color.  25th Anniversary Red Line and Happy 25th Birthday Metro, are the other two that use black as their main color.  The 2017 Ride With Pride TAP Cards were much better!!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

2018 Elsie & Soyeon Purple Line TAP Card

Elsie & Soyeon are the names given to the tunnel boring machines for the Purple Line extension.  Metro did a dog and pony show to show taxpayers, they aren't wasting the money from Measure M.  Metro's propaganda machine The Source, has the all the information about the dog and pony show.  A 3rd grader came up with this great design!!  But, the write up was very vague about how the TAP cards were going to be distributed.  " Metro will issue commemorative TAP cards featuring Lauren’s winning artwork at 7th Street/Metro Center, Wilshire/Vermont and Wilshire/Western Purple Line Stations beginning April 26."  Why can't they just say these TAP cards will be sold at the TAP machines?

One thing I know whenever Metro issues any TAP cards at 7th & Metro, you'll go on a wild goose chase trying to find them.  There are so many entrances and exits at that station.  So, I went to Wilshire/Vermont to try and buy these TAP cards.  Sure enough of the two TAP machines, one of them had the sticker.  A lady was in line ahead of me and she was trying to buy a new TAP card.  She got the Elsie & Soyeon TAP Card.  So, I went ahead and but got mine with no trouble.

Afterwards, as I took the train back to Union Station, I stopped at 7th & Metro to try and find the TAP machine that sold these TAP cards.  After some searching, the TAP machine at the Fig entrance/exit had these TAP cards!!

Anyways, this design is one of my favorite!  Bright, colorful, and captures the progress of the Purple Line extension!  Even if that bastard Zev Yaroslavsky is trying to take all the accolades for the extension.  History lesson people, Zevy and his moron buddy Waxman, has cost taxpayers BILLIONS when they stopped, what is now the purple line, construction back in the 1990's! The Purple Line was suppose to extend much further than Wilshire/Western, but that didn't happen after Dumb and Dumber, Zevy and Waxy, got a law passed where Metro could not build underground! 

Monday, April 23, 2018

2018 Go Human TAP Card

CicLAvia hosts car free street events.  The streets are open to bikes and pedestrians.  For the first time CicLAvia came to the Pomona Valley.  The western edge of the route started in San Dimas and headed east, ending in Claremont.  There were four hubs, San Dimas, La Verne, Pomona, and Claremont.

This was my first time attending CicLAvia, and my goal was to get a CicLAvia TAP card.  But, they did not have any more CicLAvia TAP cards!  But, at the San Dimas hub, AARP had a table and gave out free AARP TAP cards, both designs, which came with a one way fare. But, then I found out an organization; GO Human, was going to give out their own TAP Cards. Now the object was to find out which hub they were at!!

They were at the Claremont hub, and if you asked for the TAP card, they gave you one!!  I'm going to check and see if a fare has been loaded onto the card.  I really like this TAP Card.  The design and colors are awesome! 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

2017 Eat Shop Play Tap Card

The 2017 Eat Shop Play Tap Card is a social media program by Metro, that supports businesses that are effected by Metro construction!  I've seen promotions for a free 7 day pass, if you by $25 worth of stuff from a store. 

I just happened to be a business and somebody in front of me got the TAP card.  I asked about it, and bought something and I got the TAP card.

A boring design but another TAP card added to my collection!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

2018 LADOT Let's Fig It Out

I called LADOT to complain about a DASH bus driver who said people weren't able to use a Metro TAP card on the DASH bus.  Hey, idiot bus driver, as long as the Metro TAP card has stored value on the card, anybody can use the Metro TAP card.  The DASH bus will deduct 35 cents from the stored value.

Anyways, just as I was about to hang out, I asked what TAP cards are they selling.  The operator told me they have a new yellow TAP card.  It's the Let's Fig it Out TAP card to celebrate Figueroa and the tremendous amount of development on Figueroa, that really started when Staples Center was built.

I went to the LADOT store at the LA Mall and purchased this new TAP card with no problems!! TAP Cards sold at the LADOT store are $1 if you add value or $2 without value.  Since for some stupid reason, you can only add in $5 increments, I just paid the $2. 

I like this TAP card. It's not dark and boring like the two Metro TAP cards released in 2018; Happy 25th Birthday Metro and the 25th Anniversary of the Red Line.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

2018 Happy 25th Birthday Metro TAP Card

Sunday Feb. 11, 2018

So, I'm taking the Gold Line to Union Station and I noticed at the Monrovia Station, the TAP Machine FINALLY has the Let's Get to Work TAP card sticker off and the Happy 25th Birthday, Metro TAP card stickers are on the TAP machines!!  I read nothing about these new TAP cards on any of Metro's social media.  Later on I find out, officially these TAP Cards will be officially released on Feb 15, 2018.  I will post more information when I get more information.

But, a simple search finds that Metro was formed on Feb. 1, 1993 when the Southern California Rapid Transit District combined with the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission.  Thus the 25th Anniversary TAP card!  

But, I got off the train at Monrovia station and bought this TAP card.  I noticed this TAP card sold at the Memorial Park station, finally the 2024 Olympics TAP card sticker has been taken off!  Other stations on the Gold Line that I saw stickers for this TAP card are-South Pasadena, Highland Park, Southwest Museum, Heritage Square.  I did not see the stickers at Union Station-Red and Gold line TAP machines, or 7th and Metro-Wilshire exit on Sun. Feb 11th.

Two months into 2018 and Metro has released two new TAP cards!! 

Not really a fan of this TAP card, but at least Metro is releasing more TAP cards.  I just hope Metro takes off the stickers to these TAP cards when they run out, instead of waiting a year!!

Well, as of Feb 18, 2018 Metro or it's propaganda machine The Source, had that much information about this TAP card.  Only Metro's Twitter page, they had a tweet about the release of this TAP card.  They are available on all lines throughout the Metro system! I have seen them for sale on the Gold Line, Purple, Red and Expo Lines!

I will give Metro credit for stocking these TAP cards before the official release date!  I do like the fact, that in regards to TAP cards release, Metro has learned from past mistakes.  Now, when the official TAP cards are released, usually on social media, the TAP cards are already stocked!

Monday, January 29, 2018

Red Line 25th Anniversary TAP Cards

As I posted earlier about the Bike Share TAP Card, the new Red Line 25th Anniversary TAP Cards were released on January 29, 2018.

While there was no information about the Red Line 25th Anniversary TAP Cardson The Source, Metro's Propaganda machine.  Metro's Facebook page had a post about the release of these new TAP cards.  But, I got a tip from a Metro Customer service rep. at the Civic Center station of the Red Line, the night of Broadway Nights.

So, I go to Union Station and the Alameda entrance for the Red Line.  All the TAP machines have the sticker of this TAP card.  I put my money in and out comes the TAP card!  Good job by Metro, getting these cards stocked.  That doesn't always happen, as in the case of the 2017 Pride TAP cards!

Anyways, not a big fan of the design.  But, always nice to see new TAP cards being issued.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Bike Share & Red Line 25th Anniversary TAP Cards

Finally!!  I get a TAP card I've been looking for!!

I go to the Night on Broadway on January 27, 2018.  Metro Bike Share has two displays trying to people to sign up for the bike share.  The first one I see is near the Grand Central Market.  I see the TAP cards on the table, but the guy says you have to register online before getting a TAP card.  I said forget that!  So, I continue my tour of the great old theaters along Broadway.  Towards the end of the Night on Broadway route, about 9th and Broadway, there is another Metro Bike Share display.  I ask about the TAP card and the guy says you can have one!  So I took it!  He told me about their promotion and how the bike share works.

I'm assuming these Bike Share TAP cards came out when the Bike Share program came in, which was back in 2016.  I don't know when that was, and frankly I don't care, because I won't use the bike share!

Now, taking the Metro on the way back, Metro has their customer service team and I always ask what design of TAP cards they are selling.  The lady said just the regular blue TAP cards.  But, she said on Monday, January 29, 2018 they will release the 25th Anniversary of the Red Line TAP Cards!  As I write this post, about 9am on January 28th, there is still nothing on The Source- Metro's propaganda machine.  Anyways, I will be on the lookout for the new Red Line 25th Anniversary TAP Cards!!


January 29, 2018.  See my post about the release of the Red Line 25th Anniversary TAP Cards , which were in fact released on, Monday, January 29, 2018, at stations along the Red Line!