Tuesday, July 10, 2018

2018 LADOT Tap Cards-Orange LA & Blue Palm Tree

On July 9, 2018 LADOT showed their two newest TAP Cards on their Instagram page.  The TAP Card at the top, I'll call the Orange LA and the bottom TAP Card, I'll call it the Blue LA Palm Tree.  I love the orange LA but the Blue LA Palm Tree is boring.  

I waited until Tuesday July 10th to pick up these two TAP cards.  I went to the Highland Park Farmer's Market and they had a table there.  I was able to buy both TAP Cards without any issues!!  Very nice to see, because with their Griffith Park TAP card I wasted a trip to one of their mobile sites.

These two TAP cards are the 9th and 10th TAP Cards issued by LADOT.  I have 7 of the 10!  The other TAP Cards released by LADOT are the already mentioned Griffith Park TAP Card.  I got these three LADOT TAP Cards, Gray LA, Blue Downtown LA, and Green Swirl.  The Let's Fig it Out TAP Card that was released earlier in 2018.

I am missing these three TAP Cards!  I would like to add them to my collection.  If you have these three LADOT TAP Cards, contact me and let's work out a trade!

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