Monday, July 17, 2017

Wanted- LADOT TAP Cards

I am looking to trade for the bottom two TAP cards, the cards I call "blue bus grid" and the "brown Downtown" and the middle left TAP card, I call it the "orange Downtown LA" issued by LADOT! 

On LADOT Instagram page, they kept posting pictures of TAP cards that are not longer for sale.  Every time I see that, I will ask them if they are selling the TAP cards pictured.  They respond with a no.  Then I respond with- it would be very easy to post a picture of the TAP cards you are selling instead of using the same picture over and over again.  

I am hoping to trade for any of the three TAP cards.  Is there a TAP card that I have, that you need to complete your collection?  Let's work out a trade!  I have an extra AARP TAP Card and 2017 Olympics Bid for 2024 TAP card.

When trading I want clean, mint condition TAP cards, that means no scratches or fading of the TAP card.  I want the TAP card to have a no stored value and in working condition- meaning I can add fare to the TAP card! The TAP cards I have to trade are in clean mint condition and have nothing in stored value!

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