Thursday, March 1, 2018

2018 LADOT Let's Fig It Out

I called LADOT to complain about a DASH bus driver who said people weren't able to use a Metro TAP card on the DASH bus.  Hey, idiot bus driver, as long as the Metro TAP card has stored value on the card, anybody can use the Metro TAP card.  The DASH bus will deduct 35 cents from the stored value.

Anyways, just as I was about to hang out, I asked what TAP cards are they selling.  The operator told me they have a new yellow TAP card.  It's the Let's Fig it Out TAP card to celebrate Figueroa and the tremendous amount of development on Figueroa, that really started when Staples Center was built.

I went to the LADOT store at the LA Mall and purchased this new TAP card with no problems!! TAP Cards sold at the LADOT store are $1 if you add value or $2 without value.  Since for some stupid reason, you can only add in $5 increments, I just paid the $2. 

I like this TAP card. It's not dark and boring like the two Metro TAP cards released in 2018; Happy 25th Birthday Metro and the 25th Anniversary of the Red Line.

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