Tuesday, September 18, 2018

2018 LAFC TAP Card

On September 12, 2018 Metro's propaganda machine, The Source, announced that the first TAP Cards with a local sports team, would be sold at stations starting on September 18, 2018.  But, they would first be given out to fans going to the LAFC game on Saturday September 15, 2018.  I believe this information was given out on social media, since that linked story makes no mention of the TAP cards being given out at the game.

So, I bought tickets for the LAFC game and got this great TAP Card.  I hate soccer, but the atmosphere for a LAFC game is just awesome!  There is an entire section of die hard fans who stand throughout the entire game.  There are drums beating, and people chanting.  It's a great experience, even if you hate soccer.

The TAP cards given out at the game were suppose to have a one day fare loaded on the card.  I took the Metro back home, and I checked the balance of the TAP Card.  It showed both a one day pass and a one way pass, was loaded on the TAP Card.  Now, here is where it gets interesting.  I got to wondering, how will the fares be deducted?  When I went to the LA Rams game the next day, I asked the people at the tent, and they told me the TAP machine will know fare to take out.  Then a couple days later, I called Metro customer service, about something else, and then mentioned the same question.  They customer service reps told me when multiple passes are loaded, they will always take out the highest value fare.  Which, if true is a complete rip off!  If you take a one way fare, that would be $1.75.  But, going by what Metro's customer service told me, they would take out the day pass which cost $7!!!  If this is true somebody should file a class action lawsuit again Metro!  What a rip off!!

Anyways, back to this awesome LAFC TAP card. On Tuesday September 18th, I went to the Orange Line station, and I was able to get this LAFC TAP Card with no problem!!  This year Metro has been very good about the TAP cards being at the stations on the day stated in any write up!!  Looks like even Metro has learned it's lesson from the disaster of the 2017 Ride with Pride TAP cards!!

This TAP card is just awesome!  I love the LAFC logo! 

Update September 26, 2018: I bought a couple other LAFC TAP Cards and I've notice a few things.  The TAP cards are on a different stock than the TAP cards of the past.   On the back, there isn't that black line.  The LAFC TAP cards have some scratches on them!!  Terrible quality control on these TAP cards.  

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