Saturday, October 27, 2018

2018 Veterans Day Tap Card

In 2016 Metro issued a Veterans Day TAP card.  I'm still looking for this TAP card.  If you have one, email me.

On October 26, 2018 I was at Union Station going to the Red Line when I noticed the sticker on the TAP machine for the 2018 Veterans Day TAP Card.  I put my money in, and out came the Veterans Day TAP card with a scratch!!  The new TAP card stock being used by Metro, is subjected to scratches, especially ones bought at the TAP machines.  I got a couple LAFC TAP cards with a huge scratch, made more noticeable by the black background of the card.

There was nothing on The Source- Metro's propaganda machine about the 2018 Veterans Day TAP card!! 

The design of the 2018 Veterans Day TAP card was exactly the same as the 2016 Veterans Day TAP card.  Of course, with the different year.  I wish Metro changed the design of the Veterans Day TAP card for 2018.  Anyways a nice addition to my TAP card collection.

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