Thursday, October 18, 2018

2018 Metro Manners TAP Cards

On September 19, 2018 Metro announced on social media four new TAP cards- Metro Manners or Super Kind.  But, these TAP cards who only given to 100 people on social media.

Then on October 16, 2018 Metro announced they were having an in store give away of the Metro Manners TAP cards.  The first 100 people got a TAP card.

So, I went to the store and waited.  The Metro reps were suppose to get there at noon.  They, like many Metro trains were late, about 15-20 minutes.  They handed out the TAP cards one per person.  I was able to get the second one, by buying it off of somebody who just happened to be at the store.

I got the white- Don't Play Loud Music TAP card and the Orange TAP card-I think it's just Don't Be a Rude Dude reminder.  The other two TAP cards from this collection are the Super Kind Girl and the Don't Eat on Trains, both are white TAP cards.  

What I didn't like was that there was a Metro employee, I guess he works at the Metro tower at Union Station and he was able to get FOUR TAP cards.  How was this allowed to happen?

The three Metro reps who worked this promotion, two of them were ok. But, Anna Chen, who also writes for Metro Propaganda machine- The Source, was rude, not very friendly, and like a person behind me in line said- she looks mad.  The irony that they were handing out Metro Manners TAP cards and a Metro rep is rude and not friendly at all.

It's great that Metro is encouraging riders to have manners, but this is a stupid way.  Why not sell these TAP cards at all stations?  Or have Metro reps give out these TAP cards to people who practice good manners on trains?  They also missed giving up your seat to seniors and the disabled.

These are pretty nice designed TAP cards.  Hopefully, I will be able to get the other two.

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