Monday, April 23, 2018

2018 Go Human TAP Card

CicLAvia hosts car free street events.  The streets are open to bikes and pedestrians.  For the first time CicLAvia came to the Pomona Valley.  The western edge of the route started in San Dimas and headed east, ending in Claremont.  There were four hubs, San Dimas, La Verne, Pomona, and Claremont.

This was my first time attending CicLAvia, and my goal was to get a CicLAvia TAP card.  But, they did not have any more CicLAvia TAP cards!  But, at the San Dimas hub, AARP had a table and gave out free AARP TAP cards, both designs, which came with a one way fare. But, then I found out an organization; GO Human, was going to give out their own TAP Cards. Now the object was to find out which hub they were at!!

They were at the Claremont hub, and if you asked for the TAP card, they gave you one!!  I'm going to check and see if a fare has been loaded onto the card.  I really like this TAP Card.  The design and colors are awesome! 

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