Sunday, July 16, 2017

2016 Gold Line Extension TAP Card

The 2016 Gold Line Extension TAP Card was released on March 5, 2016, the same day the Gold Line Extension opened!  The picture on the TAP card was taken by a Metro train operator, who was training on the Gold Line!  This maybe one of the best TAP card designs!

Usually when a line opens Metro has an open house with free service on that line.  When the Gold Line opened from Union Station to Pasadena in 2004, I went and it was a complete madhouse!  There were so many people, maybe because the ride was free, but you're packed like sardines on the trains.  Despite this, I went to the APU/Citrus station early on March 5th.  I was able to find parking in that very small parking structure, get two of these TAP cards and was gone within 5 minutes!  I wasn't going to stay for that madhouse that was soon going to start!

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