Sunday, July 16, 2017

Let's Get to Work TAP Card

I need more information about this Let's Get to Work TAP Card.  This TAP card had to be issued sometime after the passage of Measure M in November, 2016.  After further investigation it seems as though the Measure M TAP cards were released sometime in Feb 2017.

In an exchange of tweets with Anna Chen, of The Source, a blog for Metro, so said "hi, I don't have any information. This card was dropped at various stations but we were never asked to promote it."

I don't understand why Metro wouldn't want to promote this TAP card!  I mean, it's not one of the generic TAP cards you see.  It's not a great looking TAP card, but something I've added to my collection.  

I didn't know about this TAP card until June 2, 2107 when the Pride TAP card was suppose to be released!  I saw the sticker on a TAP machine at the Memorial Park Station, but was really looking for the Pride TAP card, so I didn't buy it.  I did eventually buy this TAP card on June 5, 2017, when I went back to the Memorial Park Station to buy the Pride TAP card.  I also found out and bought the AARP "field" TAP card that day!

I have seen the sticker for this TAP card at many stations along the Gold Line.  Whether you will get this TAP card or not, even if the sticker is on the TAP machine, is a matter of luck.  If you ever get a different TAP card than the sticker on the TAP machine, call TAP service center at 1-866-827-8646, and tell them to take off the sticker!! Or send a tweet to Metro

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