Sunday, July 16, 2017

2015 Special Olympics World Games Tap Card

I have an extra 2015 Special Olympics World Games TAP card to trade!  If you have the 2017 Golden Streets2016 Expo Line to Santa Monica or 2016 Veterans Day or the 2015 25 Years of Metro, TAP cards I will trade with you!

The 2015 Special Olympics World Games TAP card was issued in July 2015.  As stated in this story about the release of this TAP card, all stations listed should have the TAP cards stocked by July 20, 2015.  The link in the story that lists the stations isn't working, so I don't remember which stations had this TAP card.

As far as I can remember, I got this TAP card with very little hassle when it was release.  Pretty sure I got this TAP card at either the Sierra Madre station, which at that time was the end of the Gold Line, or Union Station! 

But, a very interesting thing happened two year later!  Yes, TWO YEARS later!!  While trying to buy the AARP TAP card at the 7th & Metro station, the Hope Street entrance, the machine gave me another 2015 Special Olympics World Games TAP Card!  2 years later this card was being issued!!  I was a bit upset because I really like the AARP Tap cards, but then I figured I had trade material with this Special Olympics TAP card!

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