Sunday, July 28, 2019

2019 TAP Across LA TAP Card Pt. 2

On Friday July 26, 2019 The Source had a story about the release of the second set of TAP Across LA TAP Card.  Back in June, the first two TAP Across LA TAP Cards came out!  I'll call these two TAP Cards the aquatics version- the blue and the spotted.

After seeing the story I went to APU/Citrus station and got the spotted TAP card with no issues.  I then went to downtown Azusa to park my car to take the Gold Line into LA.  While this station isn't listed in the site, they had a sticker for the spotted TAP card.  Then I saw Irwindale had also had the spotted TAP Card.  I got off at Duarte station, and saw the blue TAP card, and got it with no problems.

I like the spotted TAP card much better.

Glad to add to my collection.

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