Monday, April 29, 2019

2019 Eat Shop Play Local TAP Card

Three TAP Cards within a week!!  Yes, this Eat Shop Play Local TAP Card was the third TAP Card I added to my collection within a week!  I got the Charles White TAP Card, then the Eat Shop Play Crenshaw, and now the Eat Shop Play Local!!

This TAP Card was given out at the really cool Photoville event in Century City!  Photoville had storage containers with photos both on the inside and outside of the container.  It's a free event, and there are some cool pictures!

The Eat Shop Play Local TAP Cards are given out at businesses that are effected by the construction of new Metro train lines.  In 2019, the have TAP cards with the neighborhood on the TAP card.  There is a Koreatown Eat Shop Play TAP Card that is out, but I haven't added that to my collection yet.

Yes, this is different than the 2017 Eat Shop Play Local TAP Card, the 2019 Eat Shop Play Local TAP Cards have the two palms trees on the and the Eat Shop Play is horizontally placed on the card.

This is a nice addition to my TAP Card collection!

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