Wednesday, January 23, 2019

2019 Metro Valentine's Day Hearts TAP Cards

January 23, 2019- After the disaster with The Movement TAP Cards, on social media a few people got the Valentine's Day "Hearts" TAP Cards.  One person said Union Station had them, and another person said they were at the Jefferson/La Cienega station along the Expo Line and along the Orange Line.  I went to Downtown Azusa first, but the TAP cards weren't being sold there.  Still no stickers on the machines.  Then I went to Sierra Madre Station and still no stickers.  Maybe the Gold Line is getting shut out on these Valentine's Day Hearts TAP Cards!

I saw the stickers for each of the TAP Cards at Union Station, and I put in my money in, and the cards came out.  Still nothing on Metro's social media or propaganda machine, The Source, about the Valentines's Day Hearts or The Movement TAP Cards!

All three are pretty cool.  The Green background says Crazy 4 TAP.  The Orange background says XOXO TAP.  The red background says I Love TAP.

Update January 25, 2019.  Finally The Source, Metro's propaganda machine, has posted a story about the Valentine's Day TAP Cards!  The story says these Valentine's Day TAP Cards are not available at downtown Azusa-which is interesting because one of the TAP Cards- the blue Crazy 4 TAP, had a sticker at the Downtown Azusa station.  But, they are being sold at the Sierra Madre Station, but they weren't there on January 23, the day I went.  

Update January 29, 2019.  I went to the Downtown Azusa station and two TAP machines had the stickers for the Valentine's Day TAP Cards!! Downtown Azusa is NOT listed as one of the station where these TAP Cards are being sold!  Why can't Metro get things right? 

Monday, January 21, 2019

2019 The Movement TAP Cards

Sunday, January 20, 2019.  Not a good way to start 2019!  Metro had The Hearts stick on the tap machines, but instead I got three different Join The Movement TAP Cards.  There has been no mention of these TAP cards, all six, on any of Metro's social media or websites.

Sierra Madre Villa Station.  I noticed the I Love Tap sticker and put money in. I got the Red The Movement TAP Cards.

I went to the Monrovia Station Saw the XOXO TAP sticker, put in my money and got the green Ride The Movement TAP card.  Then I wanted to buy another green Ride The Movement TAP card, put in my money but the TAP card did NOT come out!  I called the worthless agent, he said "I can only let the service techs know." Moron!

So, then I went to downtown Azusa station.  I saw the Crazy 4 TAP sticker, on the side going to APU/Citrus, put in my money and got the blue and orange Join The Movement TAP Card!!  Then I noticed another TAP machine, going to East LA, had the hearts sticker, put my money in and got TWO green Ride The Movement TAP Cards.  So, that made up for not getting the TAP card from Monrovia.

But, it does not make up for the wrong TAP card pictured on the machines!!  How can they make such a bad mistake!!  Terrible!

Update  Tuesday January 22, 2019

Still nothing on Metro's social media or their propaganda machine The Source.

On Monday January 21, 2019, I called TAP and told them about the issues with the TAP machines and wrong stickers.  Since I two of the Green The Movement TAP cards, with fare, at Downtown Azusa, I didn't ask for a refund, after not getting the Green The Movement TAP card at the Monrovia station.  The TAP service rep was very nice and helpful.

I went back to the Downtown Azusa station and both TAP machines do not have the stickers!  I guess Metro finally got a clue!  A bunch of morons working for Metro.

As for the "Hearts" TAP Card, they are a Valentine's Day TAP Card and are suppose to be released in early Feb! 

Update March 1, 2019:

Metro finally has information on The Movement TAP Cards.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

2019 Next Gen Bus Study TAP Card

Metro has been going out into communities to get more feedback by the public, so they can redesign the bus system.  When you enter, there is a table and you can spin the wheel for prizes.  One of the prize is this TAP card.  I was lucky enough to win this TAP card.

I don't think they will be selling these TAP cards.  A pretty cool design.  Hopefully, Metro will release a wide variety of TAP Cards with cool designs in 2019!!